Denver, CO - Denver rock trio, FaceMan, performs their 150th live show this Saturday, January 10th at The Fox Theater in Boulder, Colorado. "We're all about the numbers. We talk at length about different numbers. I've broken 53 drum sticks in the last 6 years with this group and seen 253 dead field mice on Colorado two lane highways," explains drummer Dean Hirschfield.
"Count them if you don't believe us, we're clearly at 150 live performances. I'm not sure why there's so much controversy over it. A number is an absolute thing. 10 minus 9 is 1, 9 minus 8 is 1, 8 minus 7 is 1, 7 minus 6 is 1, 6 minus 5 is one, 5 minus 4 is one, 4 minus 3 is one, 3 minus 2 is one, 2 minus 1 IS ONE, IS ONE IS ONE IS ONE. . cue the dance music", argues Steve, FaceMan's handsome front man.
On Saturday, December 6th, FaceMan rekindles a long time love affair with Grammy winning Rebirth Brass Band at Denver's Bluebird Theater (Get Tickets Here). FaceMan recorded, 'FeedingTime' featuring Rebirth Brass Band in July 2011. Here's a timeline of events:
FaceMan Faces Jail Time for Releasing a Bootleg Video
Breaking news (AP) - The rock trio, FaceMan, has released a bootleg video from a screening at the 2014 Denver Starz Film Festival and the members of the group are likely facing significant jail time. The trio used a hidden camera to record their own video, 'Yes (LifeIsTheParty)' and released the altered version of the video a second time on YouTube in the early morning hours of Friday, November 11.
“Looking back over the last 5 years, we realize we aren’t very proud of who we have become.” states drummer, Dean Hirschfield. “I just think it’s been hard for Dave, with one eye and all, and my haircut hasn’t helped out either. We just really want to be, well, human, you know?”
The FaceMan video, 'Yes', is an official selection of the 37th Starz Denver Film Festival and will be included in the Music Video Mixtape category. The festival organizers promise, "Denver band Faceman’s life-affirming anthem will have you shouting “Yes!”
The Mixtape returns, louder than ever. Featuring a selection of the best new music videos from around the world, this compilation features funny, provocative, and mesmerizing work within a wide range of music genres. In a post-MTV era, music videos are seldom seen outside of a computer screen. The Music Video Mixtape strives to rectify this loss, if only for two evenings, with surround sound and a big screen to jam out to.
Denver, Co - Today, FaceMan has requested official permission to play in the 15 ton prehistoric shark captured off the coast of Packistan. Read the article here. FaceMan hopes to perform a 30 minute rock and roll set within the jaws of the dead beast. FaceMan is known for their extreme bravery as depicted in the following video.
FaceMan Set to Unveil a Secret Formula for a Helluva Good Time Tonight at The Gothic Theater.