DENVER, Co (AP) – Today, as the sun rose over the Rocky Mountains, the little known rock trio, FaceMan, announced they would collectively begin to take life seriously. “Looking back over the last 5 years, we realize we aren't very proud of who we have become.” states drummer, Dean Hirschfield. “I just think it’s been hard for Dave, with one eye and all, and my haircut hasn't helped out either. We just really want to be, well, human, you know?”
The rock band, among Denver’s finest, has had numerous false starts and has fumbled many career changing opportunities. “We can see what we need to do now. I think. I mean I only have this one eye, but it’s huge, and I’m confident it is working,” explained 7-string guitar virtuoso, David Thomas Bailey.
The band plans to bring a new approach to their performance on Saturday, November 8th, opening for the Kyle Gass Band (Kyle Gass of Tenacious D) at the Marquis Theater (Denver, CO). Singer Steve Faceman explains, “Let’s all be honest, it’s about reinventing yourself and trying to be a better person every day. We are being honest with each other now and we were finally able to admit the Giant Couch Fort was a terrible idea. We know it should have been a castle instead of a fort. We gotta grow up. We've grown up. We’re ready to prove it. Tonight.”
Marquis Theater with Kyle Gass
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Doors: 8pm
Ages: 65+